Full-Time Senior Missionary Opportunities*
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Finding Places for Senior Church Members to Serve as Full-Time Senior Missionaries


I.  Full-Time “Senior Missionary” Opportunities

  1. Senior Missionaries live away from home and serve full time for 6–24 months.

    1. Click here to watch an 11-minute video about the work of senior missionaries in the Philippines.

    2. Click here to watch a 10-minute video on how to search for full-time, away-from-home Senior Missionary opportunities on the Church's Senior Missionary webpage.  The video is best viewed in full-screen mode.

    3. Some of the missionary opportunity types include these:

    Senior Missionary Opportunity Types

  2. To get started, you can inform your Bishop of your desire to serve, and he will have you complete an online application in the online missionary application system, which will result in a mission assignment from the Apostles.  If you want to search for a specific type of assignment, go to https://seniormissionary.churchofjesuschrist.org/ to start your search (after watching the 10-minute video mentioned in paragraph A.2, above).  You can select four to eight possible assignments, but the mission assignment will be made by the Apostles.  If you need assistance with searching for missionary opportunities, contact your Stake Senior Missionary Specialist or the Senior Missionary Coordinators that serve in your regional area.  For a list of Senior Missionary Coordinators in the North America Southwest Area, click here.

II.  The Process for Applying for a Senior Service Missionary Opportunity

A. Website Initiation

  1. For those applying to be full-time Senior Missionaries, you can pick up to eight missionary assignments for the Apostles to consider for your missionary service, but that is optional.  When you have indicated your choices (or lack thereof), you can start your application for a recommendation to serve a mission on the online missionary application system.  IMPORTANT:  Your choices will be considered, but your actual mission assignment will be selected by an Apostle, and you will be informed of that assignment in a call letter from the Prophet.  This is true even if a Mission President has requested that you to serve in his mission, but such requests are usually honored.

  2. Once the application is completed by you, your Bishop will log into the Missionary Online Recommendation System (MORS) or, for single brothers, the Missionary Recommendation System (MRS), and review your application.  He will schedule a missionary worthiness interview. 

  3. Once the Bishop has approved your application, your Stake President will log into MORS or MRS and review your application.  He will schedule a missionary worthiness interview. 

  4. Once the application for a full-time mission is approved by your Stake President, your application will be handled by the Missionary Department, and your call will come from the President of the Church.

B. Bishop Initiation

If you prefer not to start your application for a recommendation online, your Bishop can initiate it for you.  Your Bishop will give you instructions as to how to log onto the Missionary Online Recommendation System (MORS) [or the Missionary Recommendation System (MRS) for single brothers].


III.  Senior Missionary Coordinators for the NASW Area

If you need help finding a missionary opportunity that is right for you, contact the Senior Missionary Coordinators (SMCs) assigned to your stake.  SMCs help promote and facilitate missionary work among senior Church members.  The North America Southwest Area is divided into ten Senior Service Missionary Groups, each of which has an SMC couple assigned.  For a list of the current SMCs for the NASW Area, click here.   If you are not sure who are the Senior Missionary Coordinators for your area, please contact the NASW Support Advisers (Elder and Sister Rushforth, https://seniormission.org/sa/), and either of them can tell you whom you should contact.

IV.  Conclusion

Start planning your mission.  If family circumstances, physical health, and finances permit, please consider a full-time Senior Mission, as explained above.  If not, please consider a live-at-home, part-time Senior Service Mission.  Set up a planning schedule so that you can be ready as soon as possible.  Let your Stake Senior Missionary Specialist or Senior Missionary Coordinators help you find the right missionary opportunity for you.  WE NEED YOU!

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*Not an official page of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Updated January 28, 2025