Leaders' Resources for Seniors Serving Missions

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Leaders' Links

Stake Presidents
(MRS and SMMS)
Operation Managers
Senior Missionary Coordinators
(MRS and SMMS)

Church Mission-Related Websites

Official WebsitesForDescription and Links 
SMWMembershttps://seniormissionary.churchofjesuschrist.org/ is the official Senior Missionary Website (SMW).  This Church website is used by Senior members to find missionary opportunities, either as full-time Senior Missionaries or as part-time, live-at-home Senior Service Missionaries.
LCR/MORSBishops and Stake Presidentshttps://lcr.churchofjesuschrist.org/ is the Leaders and Clerk Resources page that includes a link (under the “Missionaries” tab) to MORS, which is the Missionary Online Recommendation System (MORS).  MORS is the by Bishops and Stake Presidents to start and manage the application of full-time missionaries except for single brothers.
MRSBishops and Stake Presidentshttps://mrs-leadership.churchofjesuschrist.org/ is the Missionary Recommendation System (MRS).  Members desiring to serve as Senior Service Missionaries and single brothers desiring to serve as full-time Senior Missionaries complete their recommendation applications in MRS.  After the application is submitted, the missionary's Bishop and Stake President will indicate their approval of the application after a missionary worthiness interview.
SMMSFor Operation Managers and Stake Presidentshttps://servicemissionary.churchofjesuschrist.org/is the Service Missionary Management System.  SMMS is used with respect to Senior Service Missionaries by the Operation Manager (i.e., the manager of the Church organization under whom the missionary will be serving) and by the Stake President to approve the proposed missionary assignment.  SMMS is also used to monitor and possibly modify each missionary's assignment and release.
CDOLPriesthood Leaders and Operation Managershttps://cdol.churchofjesuschrist.org/ is the Church Directory of Organizations and Leaders.        
ChurchofJesusChrist.orgEveryonehttps://churchofjesuschrist.org/ is the Church's main official website.

*Not an official page of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Updated January 28, 2025